Giganews Newsgroups

Tuesday, February 7

It's so hard to work

I have no fear or stress when facing lots of works to accomplish daily.

I will only have serious bad mood when the darn laptop that is not performing well! I have so many issue on these! Look like I need to address to the management and wake up their idea. No one can work with a slow and old version laptop; be it hardware or software.

Thy shan't not keep quiet, unless management does not want to take action.

I only hope to get my own laptop and have the latest software/ hardware spec. At least I can work in peace. =P

2 knocking by:

william|chia said...

Get your company to get your HP Probook 6560b and install Ubuntu. I'm using one now and having loads of fun and productivity increased as well :)

Unknown said...

I wanted a MacBook Pro.
Beside, company will not get me a new laptop for sure.

Hence, getting myself is better.

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