Giganews Newsgroups

Monday, March 7

More photos added from A Photo A Weekend

Trip to Punggol

I was amazed with this new area when I head up for temple celebration nearby.
Gut feeling telling me that this will be a new place for flocks of photographers!

There will be more coming up real soon.

Oh well, I am pleased with my sturdy arm too!

@ Punggol, where you can find new restaurants located there. A place that is cozy and good for chill out too.

The car park @ Punggol

Popeye and a Chinese restaurant

White Tiger Celebration

Dad and I decided to head down to Sheng Hong Gong, Pandan Loop in the morning because of White Tiger celebration.

White Tiger, whom well-known for praying of wealth.

For devotees who pray to White Tiger should buy a packet of noodles, raw eggs and a piece of park.

Since the celebration is on, the temple helpers offer to help it by packaging it.

You can see there are a lot of devotees praying. Fret not if you forgotten to buy any of them, the temple do provide them on that day itself only.

Chopping the pork.

Devotees lining up to pray to White Tiger with the help of the temple helpers by chanting.

A close up look of papers that is meant to pray to White Tiger.

I am trying to understand what does those small paper to be paste on the red one means. There is a sample paste on the table if you are unsure on how the pasting goes.

May all devotees who went to temple to pray to White Tiger receive lots of good lucks.

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