Giganews Newsgroups

Tuesday, March 15

The good and the bad

Interesing footage
Give a big hug to this guy, who actually went to N.K. and get these incredible footage. I'm wondering how he managed to go solo at some shot!

Nevertheless, he is brave to do that! Apparently, the N.K. did not know 5D has the capabilities for video capturing. Furthermore, the screen is tape up blindly, thus using only his long trained manually pull focus skilled.

Here's the blog:

Thanks for sharing, Steve Gong.

Pyongyang Style - North Korean Haircut from Steve Gong on Vimeo.

Please do not block
With the interesting footage seen, how about some serious mistake made by the photographer in this video?

Excuse me sir... why are you blocking and snapping all the way from the back instead of front? The dangling L Lense is so... obscene...!

Seen this article from PetaPixel

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