Giganews Newsgroups

Friday, February 25

Good effort but a little boring

I should say.. our local CyberPioneerTV really did a good work for producing such a show for others who are interested in SAF and recruit to be.

Apparently, I know this is a hard work within the production teams but I felt that it can be even better.

Truthfully, I find the entire video is a little let down. Why do I say so?
When you watch a movie, what is the most important thing that urge you more? Visual and sound.
Shall not talk about the visual because of the limitation of what they can do, but the sound.

If there's more VO introduction, musked away instructor, I think the whole segment will be even better. Let's not forget about the music underneath it.

These are the things that is lacking of it. Audio play a big part in a show if you wanted to create more awareness.

I'm sorry, but I really feel like voicing out tho.

Maybe I shall give an example of what I meant.

I am not comparing the military but the entire production made.
But lets all give them a pat on their shoulder for making this video. It is good to show the rest of the world on how we, SAF, trained from boys to man during their BMT months.

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