Giganews Newsgroups

Wednesday, January 12

Picking up photo taking

Screw myself! I didn't even have time to update the blog recently.

Maybe sometimes I should be more hardworking instead. But when come to photos, I just have to take my own sweet times to take the CF card out, plug to my card reader, import to Capture One Pro or Lightroom for processing of photos.

After which, I'm gonna upload to flickr, leave it for a night or so, and start blogging the next day. Yes, I tend to upload full size resolution instead. The last wrong formatting of HDD still stay in my shadow today. I will pay more for HDDs in order to back up the entire photos collections. That's me.

Anyhoo, here's some recent photos I just took using my beloved trusted iPhone.

You gotta thanks for all the wonderful camera apps that the developers develop for us, the users.

Here's some lovely apps I wanted to share:


I bought them instead of Jailbreaking.

The reason: I prefer receiving constantly updates and do not want to spend my time reading up on forum. Peace of mind.

The fact: I'm not rich, spare me that, ok?

Facing computer
In office - Instagram

Laundry - Instagram

The old bunk in camp that is vacant
Keat Hong Camp bunk - Instagram

Alignment lost
Notice the photo properly. The back of the lorry is not straight at all. When the lorry is moving, the head is in correct position but not the back. It seem like it is drifting tho. Really respect the way he drive

Water Droplets - Instagram

Record holding for largest Lo-Hei in Marina Square from Sakae Sushi - Hipsmatic

Grass cutting
Grass cutting - TiltShiftGen

I'm gonna start my weekly photo shoot known as A Weekend Pic series.
The idea is origin from ClubSnap: APAD/APAW (A Photo A Day / A Photo A Week)

For me, I am starting my Weekend Photo series for 2011.
Sadly to say, I missed the first weekend of Jan photo because I thought of this 3 days later!

Nevertheless, I hope this will be good.

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