Giganews Newsgroups

Wednesday, August 18

Tom Guilmette with Kessler shuttle pod

It seem like there are quite a lot of people into time lapse nowadays. Be it video recording or long exposure, it just fit the bills.

I am amazed by the recent time lapse video I watched. Inspiration? Yes, indeed. Time? I dare not confirm.

Right now, there are a lot of things that I would like to do, but apparently, it is the time commitment I have to sacrifice if this is a must-do stuff.

Here, I present you Tom Guilmette with the beautiful new Kessler Shuttle Pod!

Ok, if you do not have the money to buy it like me, maybe, we can do it at the low budget way.
Having the PVC to act as the dolly! Of course, it will be.... manual pulling situation!

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