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Tuesday, February 2

Organiser's eyes are so SHARP!

Been to Queen St to pray last Saturday and passed by the usual mid point whereby there's always a gigantic figure during CNY.

Well, it is not about the figure I am interested in, but the 12 zodiac signs which will tell you what's up next year!

Oh dear, there's so many people crowding around to see their zodiac sign. Some just wouldn't move tho. Frankly, you cannot blame them, especially the elderly.

Everyone is blocking the rest. Seriously, you cannot blame them! Why?

Is the organiser having some issue on printing or what? The words are so god damn small! How you expect the old uncle and aunties to read them?

Everyone surrounding the statue and read their luck for Year of Tiger.

Please lah... the words are so small for people to read! Better take a photo and zoom in big to read the wording instead!

Anyway, I took a shot and wrote everything. Look at it if you are interested. (I took hard time to copy them out hor!)




属龙的朋友在今年的运程一动不如一静, 更须注意低下员工,部署或股东甚至朋友的对立,背叛而导致瓶颈,不可掉以轻心。今年不宜作扩展业务的安排,反而要将重点放在人际关系上,由于竞争激烈且助力较小,因此,经常更热情的与他人互动,将有助发战生意。



Career luck:
There are two unlucky stars influencing your career in the year of Tigers. These unlucky stars will inflict negativity in the form of arguments, lawsuits and back stabbers, which you will encounter such events at work. Your superior will also be disappointed in you. Even though you have a desire to develop a business or corporate strategy, you may have trouble in finding the right business partner or handling the thorny business issues. Try not to make things complicated in order to avoid lawsuits or court cases.

Wealth luck:
For Dragon, there are dreadful constellations and no benefactor’s help. Luck is unfavorable for you. Therefore it is not suitable for business collaboration or career development. You need to be cautious of conflicts which will lead to loss of money and friendship. It is best to be conservative this year and wait for a better offer to come in year 2011. Nevertheless, you can still create harmonious and effective work relationships within and outside the company. Manage your finance wisely and stay away from any speculative activities as your windfall luck is unpleasant. You should work hard and stay focused in order to build a strong base of support which could include your own team members or superiors to ensure career success.

Romance luck:
You may feel that things are not really going your way and you may also suffer emotional breakdowns occasionally due to your relationship. The single female Dragon may find new romantic interest this year; try to widen your social network by joining some trips or society events. If you are married or attached, you will have doubts with partner. You are advised to make an effort to spend more time in order to understand your partner better. Stay open and be sincere and these will strengthen your relationship.

Health luck:
Your health looks considerably more promising in the year of Tiger. Even though you are unlikely to contact any severe sickness, you may suffer from fatigue. Under the influence of those unlucky stars, you are prone to mishaps or accidents. Hence stay away from dangerous activities, such as water sports or hiking. Be sure to keep an eye on elderly members as they are more susceptible to ailments. Do not over exert yourself and ensure you will eat well and exercise regularly to keep fit.


凶星环绕看似凶恶,行正事不存心机, 且不受过多无谓的情绪困忧, 尽力在工作表现, 形成一定的故事风格, 让他人皆能肯定, 就 算是误解也只是一时, 他日水落石出时善恶自清, 最怕耐不住小人挑拨意气用事, 让事情复杂且暴露自己的缺点更拂手而去空让小人得逞。慢慢从经验中学习成熟领导,才能得到发挥有助事业发展。但却要慎防大环境景气的影响,须多注意突如其来的起伏变化,今年又转换工作的机会,但须慎选之后而且勿急躁,选过滤一﹑二之后才可以找到适合的工作。由于事业运起伏变化大,从事销售及建筑相关工作的人,收不稳定,不是经常有顺畅的财运,要好好把握时机,赚取更可观的收入。

属猴的朋友,今年须注意较特别的运势,这一年前半年和后半年有着明显的差距,别在不顺时,耕尽全力及资金,量力而为,特机而动是成功顺畅的关键。若处理不动产或大资金事,若有情绪的不愉快或明显有人做梗时别硬干下去。即使如何卖力,也容易事半公倍。所以,今年所抱特的态度,只是耕耘,切勿期望能够于短期内得到收获。今年可作出国发展或远方来奔波,是属于动中求财。在下半年容易有购买不动产的决定,因此需要大笔金钱,此时你需要家人及朋友的协助,经商人士要 谨慎理财。

健康运:经常显得心绪不定,睡不安宁。究其原因, 命宫出现了一颗[岁破]凶星, 主有意外之灾,代表今年将身陷意外事件, 故此行船车马, 都必须格外小心; 无论你是否驾车人士, 也要加倍留意路面交通情况.

Career luck:
2010 is a year when you should proceed only with caution in your career aspect as it is going to be challenging at times. The ominous star influencing your career is in control of quarrels and disputes. It means that you are most likely to have frequent arguments and conflicts with your colleagues. Furthermore, there seems to be many obstacles in all aspects of life. Endurance and calmness will help you tide over the harsh situation. With authority and responsibility weighting on your shoulder you will grow and mature faster. Many uncertainties are lying ahead for the Monkey in 2010. You will be very busy with some new tasks or changes which might prove to be fruitless at the end of the day. Therefore, be selective, patient and persistent. Salespersons and contractors need to seize opportunities circumspectly to strengthen their business or income this year.

Wealth luck:
Monkey will see their wealth luck fluctuating critically between the first and the second half of the year in 2010. To ensure long term success, you must have a financial plan and execute it properly. Take charge of your finances and be prudent, bearing in mind that a quick return to profitability is unrealistic. Otherwise you may incur a significant financial loss. The moving star “Yi Ma” shining on you this year signifies the possibility of travelling for business or leisure. With this, you may anticipate extra earning opportunities. Besides, you will also be given some chances to buy real estate property during the second half of the year and you are likely to seek financial support from friends or family. Finally, businessmen Monkey need to be careful when signing any legal documents. Go through all the fine prints cautiously to prevent court cases.

Romance luck:
It is an average year for romance, married couples and attached Monkeys can enjoy a peaceful and harmonious life in 2010. However, marriage is not anticipated this year even if you have already committed in a long-term relationship. If you are single, you will experience upheavals in finding your special someone. Nevertheless, do not be too disappointed over a causal romance.

Health luck:
The misfortunate star “Sui Po” entering your chart will cause unexpected accidents and possible minor mishaps while travelling. So, you must be extra cautious while you are travelling on the road or overseas during the year. Additionally, under the detrimental influence of the unlucky star, you are always in a negative mood as there is a lack of rest.


可望今年有 升职或到一个较 合适环境的机会,有可能是公司开发一个新的部门,正可提供你发挥自己的知识及技能,今年为事业发展不错的年份,因有所变动,而初期无法适应,遇同事欠沟通,总有种茫然无助的感觉,但工作上有贵人相助,如果你可以把握时机,做出好成绩,则不难有升职的好消息。如果你是做生意的老板,业务将会有机会冲破现在的规模,进入一个全新的领域,大展鸿图。



Career luck:
This is a good year which you will make an immense progress towards your career goals. There are favourable changes on the horizon which will bring you more choices in some activities. Your intuitive and inventive energies are steady and any assignments that you are involved currently will have your full attention. Furthermore, your career will soar with benefactor’s support. Seize these excellent opportunities to performing and laying a firm foundation for potential job advancements or salary increments. If you are operating your own business, versatile marketing strategies coupling with some robust business developments will give you the breakthrough needed in your industry.

Wealth luck:
Pig people will see wealth luck fluctuates in negative territory, with descriptions ranging from mild shortages to horrible disasters. To minimize your financial risk, you should diversify your investments by buying stocks, bonds or unit trusts. Do not put all your eggs in the same basket. You should exercise financial discipline and curb your enthusiasm for spending spree. Wealth management is exceptionally crucial for the Pigs in 2010.

Romance luck:
Generally, Pig people will experience a steady and smooth love lift this year. Married and attached Pigs will enjoy great support and assistance from their spouse or partner. If you are single, it is a good time to start a new relationship. However, you will need to guard against unwanted pregnancy. If you are committed in a relationship, you must exercise self-discipline to avert unnecessary love affairs.

Health Luck: To protect your health, Pigs must learn to refrain from excessive indulgence in food. You must eat in moderation and take nutritional food which will help to strengthen your immune system and to protect yourself against illness and diseases. It is advisable not to attend a wake, or to visit a patient this year. Above all, it is very important to strike balance between your works, leisure and rest. Remember, as the old saying goes. “Health is Wealth.”



今年的事业开展上是加倍的辛苦及危机四伏;最好找个运气较好且已有事业根基之长辈,以他为首且多听他的建议;且彼 此较 无金钱的瓜葛则无妨,工作较多瓶颈但先 破而后成,先突破现状而不陷于低潮,再乘势而为,只要先考虑自身能力,量力而为,且不以金钱为筹码,则可安然开创另一局面。


属马的人, 今年性格变得较为主观切较难沟通,不喜欢他人约束及唠叨,容易与人磨擦冲突;尤其身边得人,而与异性的感情生活也易有起伏。年长之人另一半身欠安,易患严重疾病。未有对象的单身男女,恐怕婚缘仍然未到。但仍可尝试在公司内发展感情的机会,人际关系方面,由于受到背星的影响,须防遇同事有不必要的误会而导致 情绪的困扰。

健康壮况 较差,易受传染病影响,必须密切注意饮食卫生。运程比较动荡,所以最好避免去探病问丧。

Career luck:
For Horses, it is not favorable year for career development as you will encounter frequent obstructions that will avert you from setting you objectives. To change you luck, you should seek advice and guidance from those who have more experiences in business concerns. This year, you should try to develop an incremental work plan and follow enthusiastically to achieve preliminary results.

Wealth luck:
There no favorable stars helping you this year. Instead, two threatening starts come to influence the Horses, making your emotions and luck fluctuate drastically. It is exceptionally vital to set aside some money, which is not only meant for major expenses but also for emergencies. Your luck in windwall is favorable, so refrain yourself from engaging in risky speculation, Think twice before making any key decisions and be bold and stick to your core principles. If you are planning to make steady progress towards your pre-planned goals, it is time to proceed with confidence and faith.

Romance luck:
This year, relationships can be problematic as Horses can at times be self-centered and bigheaded. Your partner will need to recognize that life with Horses may not be necessarily smooth and easy. Older Horses need to pay particular attention to your spouse’s health for the year of the Tiger. For those singles, set aside some times for social life for you will find new love at work, but do not expect things to develop speedily. Meanwhile, you must handle interpersonal relationship problems with great care as meeting the harmful star “Zhi Bei” will bring gossips, scandals and quarrels.

Health luck:
There are many ill-omended matters due to the dreadful influence of star “Bai Hu”. To minimize its detrimental effects, you should avoid going to funerals or hospitals throughout the year. Above all, pay attention to quality of food and hygiene in order to prevent infectious and bacterial diseases. Female horse will need to be cautious of especially in women-related diseases







Career luck:
2010 will be volatile and unpredictable year for the Goat. Therefore, it is vital for you to plan with caution and objectivity as this will give you a firm footing and make the rest of the Tiger year less rocky. If you stay calm and remain stead fast, you will achieve more than expected. This year, you should stay alert of weather – related natural disasters, as it has a significant influence on your career. Likewise, be cautious of villains and stay away from speculative activities or gambling.

Wealth luck:
This year, Goats can enjoy enormous success in terms of academic, career wealth and romance with sufficient assistances from your benefactors. Victory comes your for many auspicious stars are shining on you. Despite the great wealth luck, you are advised to be well-prepared at all times to avoid letting any money – making opportunities slip by. High – risk speculative activities should be kept under control or minimized this year due to your busy working schedule.

Romance luck:
Everything is plain sailing and your luck is blossoming. Despite enjoying great romance luck, married couples or Goats who are in a committed relationship have to be attentive of the potential frequent quarrels or marriage separation. Fortunately, with the positive effects of the fortunate star “Di Jie”, any form of argument will result in bringing you and you partner closer.

Health luck:
With the increase of your popularity you will be busier this year. You are more likely to be stressed out due to overworking yourself. Make sure you get adequate rest and seek medical advice or treatment immediately if you are feeling unwell as it might escalate into bigger problems if neglected. Meanwhile, you should avoid attending funerals or memorial services or visiting the sick throughout the year.

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