Giganews Newsgroups

Monday, January 11

Re plan and execute

Shoot postpone due to lots of unforeseen circumstances.

Ray, my fashion stylist, will be joining me as a wacko team for the next coming up shoot. Plan and execute without fail.
Exciting and stress, but need to be more hardworking.

The application had been submitted and now is the patience moment.


Well, I do have ache on my leg and after going through for weeks of treatment, I am getting a lot better than before.

Partly due to health issue and it is better to watch out, especially for Monkey.

What's high on me?
Uric Acide

Dangerous huh? Now, I must really take good care and do more exercise. The treatment yesterday is sure pain in da ass but feeling great tho. Partly due to high in sugar that caused the pain on my leg, and it is one of the most dreadful illness that I have to reduce my sugar level.

Uric acid did went down and I am hoping I can get everything down by 20% this year.

Starting from today, cutting down unhealthy food by 50% and be more health cautious.

I know I have been saying this a lot of time, but for the sake of my daughter and family, I must be more determine.

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