Giganews Newsgroups

Monday, June 22

Fring fring!

Say whatever you want if this is old to you. I mentioned before that I am using fring msn on my Nokia 5800. And because of that, my nick had remain unchanged for weeks and till now it is still:"In NUH with Mum"

Luckily this issue had been mentioned over and over in fring forum. To change the msn nick on your fring, this is what you got to do. If you are lazy to make a search around in fring, I might as well post it on my blog and more people to view.

Quoted from fring forum:

Go to:
Either on your computer or on your phone, doesn't matter.

It's the web based MSN Live messenger, so sign in.

Once your signed in, it'll show your contact list, etc.
At the bottom, go to "[8] Change Appearance". In that page, you should see the old annoying nickname you've been trying to change. Change it and Click save.

There you go! I managed to change it! Hurray!

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