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Friday, June 27

Posting of photos

I had not posted any photos in my blog recently and I shall one shot put it up.

Before I started anything, I must admit that I am just a bobo yesterday. My mom need money for certain stuff, as I am busy and without any hesitation I went ahead and do the fund transfer. By the time my mom told me there's no money in the bank, it was already night time! I was wondering what happened since noon?!

I checked up my iBanking and found that the latest update does not include my fund transfer! I got a shocked of my life and triple check bank account number. Till when I called up and the bank officer told me that... I do not sufficient money to do the transfer....!!! Just then I realised that my salary was in ledger balance.... My wife even told me that today is only 26th and your payday is 28th, how is it possible to transfer.... What an embarrassing moment. sigh... Ok, everything solved.

Next I called up to Starhub recently to change my group from Kids to Lifestyle and I even asked if I am entitled to have 50% off for lifestyle instead? The CSO told me that switching of channel do not have such benefits, it's only when I add on. I agreed with it and just then I realised... Why don't I cancel my Kids and add on lifestyle instead? The CSO confused me... I shall call up later on and confirm if I can do such way.

Anyway, I taken this photo about couple of months ago.

Old housing estate that have the toilet outside of the coffee shop and this is the back alley I am at. Above the toilet were household.

Below were what I did in office recently. We had so many issues of Billboard magazine from '04 till today Jun '08. Billboard release their issue per week and just imagine how many we had! Due to the amount of magazine we had, the decision was to take out the billboard charts and file it. While the rest of the front cover page, we will use to frame it because it just look damn cool. I be decorating my area at the new workplace! haha...

Tore the entire magazine into halves.

While I took out the charts, the rest will be on the floor.

After taking the charts by weekly, I stapled it and punch hole together.

First part of the Billboard magazine for 2006! Didn't took the pix for '04 and '05 as I realised that I wanted to snap it for memory .

2nd part of the billboard magazine on the floor... This is Year 2007

Don't you think it is just so neat?!

This is just the first booklet that I had did.

After I taken out the charts from the billboard magazine, these are the result right from '04!

One year of Billboard magazine stapler bullets been taken out! Just imagine if I were to combine '04-'08! haha

Look the year, month and week I had done up! Thanks for my part timer: Charlene, who helped me along!

I had finally compiled everything up!!!

Beside my table where I seen these for 2 yrs plus...

From my table point of view

Before taking down of the frames which made the area 'filled up'

The empty feeling when all the frames were taken down.

Seem like all the frame placed on the floor were meant for selling like those paint shop! LOL

Man... I really wished I had a better camera to snap all these then using my HTC... When can I have my ricoh? LOL

My sister making noise on her camera and felt regretted buying it... when I ask why and she said that the mode she set, there's no ISO adjusting at all... My god.. since you are using preset mode... how on earth can you adjust the setting? Fuji F100d is a good cam, it's how you use it tho. Do not go over ISO 600 and you are real fine from noisy.

Congrats to my bro, Andy aka Vortex, from Exitmusik who recently went to UK for his do-not-what-the-F-he-is-doing-there about 2yrs. He be experiencing life overboard then the Sillypore here. Good luck to him and he will constantly update his doing in his blog. Good luck, bro.

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