Giganews Newsgroups

Tuesday, December 5

Here's one funny Ad that Darrel shown me earlier on.

Interesting! Great ad! haha...

Anyway, sometime I'm wondering what does MrBrown do.. haha.. Their office is terrific big! All full of Macs! I bet, thats Imaginary Friend studio. You should check out at Mr Brownshow site and find the Starwars movie clip. Heh!

Well.... maybe I should just share the link up with you.

Now, get back to work again and its OT session. Can't go home as its raining heavily outside.

Not meetin my girl as she went to attend her brother POP at Tekong today. Congrat, Harrison! You are now a man that will face more tough in ur next 1 year plus in NS life. Stay tough!

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