Giganews Newsgroups

Thursday, September 21

Kinda boring lazy week for me as I did not actually do anything AT ALL!

Just felt that I do not have any mood to work afterall. The most is burning some of the stuff for backup purposes and nothing more. I will be just MSNing, surfing, read newspaper etc just to kill the time.

How unprofessional huh. lol. Just too routine that mindset is totally switched off.

Anyway, how terrifying the news are all over in regards of Thailand suitation. I read the news online and newspaper and even wikipedia to get more knowledge.

My question, is Premier Thaksin corrupted and also free from the heavy tax? I ain't sure but he do really help to raise the economy in Thailand.

But due to such matter, coup began to form up and move in swifty to BKK and take over the Government Office, Special Branch of Police etc... There's literally no way someone can escape especially almost the entire army division is in control now.

The best and relieved part will be that this is a bloodless takeover where no one is injured and everything in control now will be hand over to the newly appointed PM. Heard from the 93.8fm news, it mentioned that the country will be PM-less for 18mths? But meantime, Gen Sothi will be control.

It is said that most of the minister had fleed before the coup had arrived. Hmm... Are those minister involved with corruption??? Some Pro Thaksin supporters did demostration on street but were put off by the army. It is said that there will be illegal gathering for more then 5 ppl gather around hence, the minister who are still in Thailand (who are the Thai Rak Thai Party) can only call each other to get more info.

I hope everything will goes well as I reckon my trip to Thailand will be cancel. Who knows whats up to Thaksin's sleeve. If there's clash, hm.. I hope not. Its either he return to home where its his homeland but face of many charges or stay in London where his daughter is studying there and they had their house been built there too.

As what I seen on wikipedia, it is said that The Thai King wanted Thaksin to step down as he had seeked personal audience to the King and came out will tears in his eye. Moreover, Thai King seem to be on Gen Sothi side which is a good thing. Little be known that Thaksin had forgotten the King had been in Throne for 60 years and the King know every single things whoever are doing. The King is clever. My respect.

And also, Gen Sothi had pledged his loyalty towards the King by having the yellow scraf ard their neck or arm.

Hope the economy go back fast and everything will be in peace for Thailand.

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