It had been a long time since I was in nuffnang page. I just realised that there are so many cool features!
There's NuffnangX, which allow you to read what sorta blog you preferred. Unlike in the past, you have to manually post it in order to get viewers. Now, it seem like it is auto? Erm... I am not sure of that.
But on top of that, I can see a big changes on their site. The navigation are much cooler and friendly than before. It took me less than 5min to understand the entire flow. Now, this is what I call end user feedback.
By having it so sophisticated, it might look nice in a wrong way. It can be so difficult to use, and at the end of the day, you lose your customer.
I had just claim the blog of this, photography and parenting to NuffnangX.
Oh yea, I had just set up my photography blog , which I will tell you everything about the tips on photography, audio and video. I may not be a real guru, but I am willing to share with you.
Apart from that, I will want to share what are the wrong move I had took for my career. I am literally learning by myself, with a little help from here and there.
Tough, but I like this kinda challenge.
I know I will make it.
Swee lah.
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