I was surprised to see that I have 36261 views on this blog.
Partly everyone is looking for a good laugh, or some information.
Oh yes, if you are looking for some products, like Torco Oil, please come here instead.
All prices stated in this blog had been updated in the new place, so please kindly ignore it. I appreciate that.
I was looking around and whether should I post something here... And there or here I am... another nonsense post.
There are a lot of thoughts running in my mind, and it is begin to spill! Not a good sign huh?
Time is 12mn, and I am still working hard. Delivery of work on time or earlier is a good thing, Client will love you more, but it depend on what sorta situation it is going to be. Stay firm and be more up front; I tend to lose out on that.
Let me think of some post to write and share soon... I shall revive this boring blog tho. Ha!
Meanwhile, please kindly support some advertising clicks. Make my blog traffic high till 1000 views everyday. =P
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