I have no time to blog as like before, same goes for the kids entries.
Busy is the only word I can say now. After turning full time and work for myself, there are a lot of commitment I need to do, and it is all by myself. Glad that my wife is helping too.
Being an own boss is not a bad idea, depending on which way you want to look at. There are a lot of ideas we can do, but with limitation. There's no shortcut to every path; by working hard might not even bring you what you want.
Importantly, play smart is the key word to survive.
Think business first, creative will come after that. Without business, you will face lots of problem; without creativity, you cannot win the clients over (maybe a little). Which is important?
Let's all be truthful to ourselves... what is it we should look at.
Maybe I should kill this blog and restart all over again... rubbish, I will say. =)
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