Giganews Newsgroups

Tuesday, December 26

Eventually I thought my mom can discharge yesterday after the scan from Neuro as been requested by them. However, there's no news from the Neuro Dept to push my mom down for scanning process. The best part was we were told from 11am that she will be going for the scan, but even my gf and me had reached the hospital around 12pm, there's still no sign of news at all. Just only my sister MSN me about the situation that my mom will get discharge today at 2pm! Phew.

My sister called my mom last night and was told that at 9pm, she had been sent for scanning, which was like about 1hr after we left the hospital. And later, I shall get my half day leave and rush to hospital to fetch my mom. Must ask my dad not to go since he is riding and better get more rest at home. Quite worried about the tyre as I sense it is not good enough especially on rainy day. I shall find out more at Singapore Bike Forum about the tyres quality and as well as helmet. Wanted to buy 2 helmet for them which is much safer and of course, I be aiming Arai for them. Branded got its own benefit and yes, our head do not worth just $500 only...

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